View on Youku (China) 视频: 失去的岁月
LOST YEARS is an international award-winning epic documentary covering 150 years of the Chinese diaspora around the world. Tracing four generations of racism as revealed through the journey and family story of Kenda Gee, the documentary begins in China in 1910 and concludes with the movement to embrace redress as a concept of social justice in Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Australia, one century later.
Kenda, a Chinese Canadian, travels with his father to China to retrace the steps of his great-grandfather, exactly a century ago, and grandfather, who sailed to Canada in the summer of 1921. For thousands of Chinese immigrants that year, it was a journey of hope that turned into a nightmare when they were confronted with racism and the head tax, depriving them of their rights as citizens.
Two journeys. One historical, in search of a new life. One modern, in search of justice.
Episode 1: The Loh Wah Kiu Episode 2: Jook Sing